Off-Road South Carolina Engagement Shoot


How Nadia met Maxwell:

We met on Tinder. I’m from Texas and had just moved to Columbia and he’s from Prosperity. We had a rocky start with the distance and not seeing each other as often as we liked and found it difficult to build a relationship with 45 minutes apart. We went our separate ways and a few weeks passed, Maxwell asked me out again. We tried hard to make it work because we both felt something special. We went on a date every Thursday, I went over every Saturday after work and stayed the weekend. We stuck to that routine for a good 6 months but 9 months later we got engaged. This whole Covid19 quarantine thing brought us closer together. I “quarantined” at his house and never went back home. Who would have ever thought online dating would lead you to your soulmate!


Huntington Beach Engagement Photos


5 Reasons to bring your dogs for your photoshoot